Friday, January 11, 2008

I Hate Chris Matthews...

First of all, I'm an undecided voter right now.  I am not a Hillary supporter, even though I'm a feminist and I tend to support women in fields where men dominate, especially if they are clearly capable of the job.  My physician, dentist, and tattoo artist are all female.  So, my tepidness towards Hillary is completely based on policy and not gender issues. 

That is, until everyone else clearly made it known their feelings about her gender.  How quickly the TV pundits turned on her display of emotion not hours after still denouncing her lack of femininity.  I mean, I'm not an idiot--I get how sexist people still are.  I get how hard it is for a woman to run for president and how close one finally is... but seriously, it's like Christ Matthews is a junior high boy or something.

Check out this great Salon article about the anti-Hillary male TV pundit brigade.