Sunday, September 11, 2011

Time to Update Your Subscriptions/RSS Feeds/Bookmarks/Etc!!!

Hey all! Kittens With Mittens is up and running and full of news posts! If you were a subscriber to KWM at this location, you'll need to go to the bottom of the new blog, find the subscribe button, and follow the instructions. I apologize for this extra step for getting updates, but there doesn't seem to be a way to move your subscription to the blogger page to the wordpress one...

You can also follow me on Twitter @squidgykitty, to get new posts OR you can "like" my Kittens With Mittens facebook page. This will get the new content put directly in your newsfeed!

Thanks for being my supporters and loyal readers and I hope you continue to be!


Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Jumping (the Google) Ship

(This is a retry for y'all that got an error message as subscribers)

After 5+ years on blogger, I've decided to switch to wordpress for the relaunch of Kittens With Mittens. Mostly cause it's a more flexible platform... and cause I'm shaking off the old and putting on the new :) remains the address, it's really just the innards that are changing.

Hope to see y'all there! Posts should start appearing over the next few days! Woot woot!


Friday, July 15, 2011

For Really Realz...

Well, folks, 2011 is most definitely upon us and, yet, there is still no new Kittens With Mittens. As I know many of you are waiting with bated breath and I most certainly don't want you to suffocate, I'm here to make an important (to me) announcement:

Kittens With Mittens is currently gestating and will be born in about a month, cute and sweet and ready to meow and purr and take over your daily blogrolls. Rest assured that this time, IT'S FOR REAL. For REALLY REALZ. New logo, new design, and new features, all with a side of my patented snark.

But how can I promise such a thing, when clearly I make promises all the time that I can't keep!?! Well, after three years of deteriorating health and seemingly constant doctor's appointments, following a lifetime of trying really hard to "fit in" and "do the responsible thing," I'm quitting my job, packing up my life, and moving to Philadelphia to follow my bliss! Which, for some apparent reason, includes talking to the internets at regular intervals. Often in run-on sentences. So, get yourselves ready for more of the same feminist knee-jerk rantings, emotional overshares, and random frettings, plus regular reviews of tv/books/music/films, original media creations, and much longer-and-in-depth-than-necessary editorials on anything and everything popular culture.

As a teaser, here's my most recent logo brainstorming mock-up. Can't wait to snark and share with y'all superdy-duperdy soon!