Monday, January 07, 2008

I'm Going to Indie Pop You One!

So this makes me sad 'cause even though I can't stand Zach Braff's and his followers' form of self-pretentious love of quasi-cool Indie bands (like, I know one of of a thousand Indie bands so now I'm going to be totally obsessed and wear big stereo headphones and just totally be awesomer than other people...but I digress and write run-on sentences), I kinda like the Shins.  Apparently, though, some members of the Shins don't like their girls.  In fact, they hit them.

So not cool... depending on court proceedings (and the fact that she was charged too), the Shins may have to go onto my blacklisted names along with Roman Polanski.  You know, 'cause he raped that girl and then fled the country rather than dealing with the consequences in our established (albeit fucked up) legal system.  Don't care if he survived the Holocaust--rape ain't cool.  And neither is hitting your girl.