Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Dizzy Izze ≠ Thin Lizzy

Ever have one of those mornings you just want to go home, go back to bed, and start all over?  Today was one of them for me... After a nice night of exercise, news watching, balancing my checkbook and making a fresh mozzarella, basil, and tomato sandwich, I had an awful night's sleep.  Part of it was the boy is super busy and didn't get in until way late.  Part of it was the weirdo dreams I had about the boy's upcoming belated bday roller skating party-- people from high school were there with people from college and everyone was pissed. Also, the skating rink looked just like Razorback Roller Rink but everyone was old.  Anyhow, I woke up late this morning and proceeded to rip the tights I was planning on wearing.  I also was grumpy at the boy for getting in so late and was all itchy 'cause I was late for work.  Once I finally got to the Metro I proceeded to lose my wallet and when putting my lunch bag down in order to dig in my bag, I cracked the bottle of the Izze I had brought with me as I wean off soda.  So yeah, my lunch was covered in raspberry juice and fizzy water.  I had to throw it all away, putting me in a grump and making me want to eat out for lunch. So I did.  And broke my diet.  Boo!!!!  I've also lost edits to documents, forgotten things that were due, and had the crotch on my tights slowly riding down to my knees.  I want to go home. 


Jenn said...

Must have been a full moon or something last week...gosh knows I was hella clumsy, too!!!