Thursday, September 07, 2006

Why I get my news from Mother Jones

Pull up a chair, grab some popcorn, turn on your computer and... watch one of the most horrific days in American history ALL OVER AGAIN!

That's right, CNN is showing the original coverage of the 9/11 attacks all day Monday to commemorate the 5th Anniversary. Cause the first time wasn't enough!? Seriously, is this CNN's idea of a tribute? It's journalism at its worst--tapping into the voyeurism of Americans...most who weren't even directly affected by the attacks. Well, except their loss of civil liberties, but they don't seem to care about that. Although I didn't move to DC until two years after the attacks, every day I'm cognizant that I'm in one of the most targeted cities in the world and not just by Al-Queda. There are lots of radicals that hate the American government... Even with this admittedly tenuous connection, I still recognize this brazen attempt to cash in on the basest of American sentiments-emotional glee when watching "sensational" events. People love to watch awful things, cry, and then pat themselves on the back for recognizing the poignancy of the event.

Perhaps this is really unfair and cynical, but it's honestly my first reaction. I'm sure there are better ways a multi-billion dollar news network could honor those lost on 9/11. Like, say, an investigation into why the war in Afghanistan is now the war in Iraq? Why our ports, borders, and airports aren't necessarily safer than they were 5 years ago? Why the hell we have Saddam Hussein in custody but not Osama bin Laden? Why has "9/11" turned into justification for the erosion of basic Constitutional rights? I personally believe answering these questions would be a more fitting commemoration than watching those towers collapse all over again.

Besides, as a friend pointed out, it would be a completely different thing if it were Fox News. I mean, what more can you expect from them?