Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I get the point...

My Grandpa is having to go into hospice. He went from independent old person to, I don't really want to say it, but...to dying. This blows. The past couple of years have been filled with death and I'm really fucking tired of it. Both of my grandmas, one of my best friends from high school, my dad's best friend. Okay, Life, I get the point. We all die at some time. Class over. I don't need any more lessons.

On a brighter note, I asked for more comments and I got them. Since comments often get buried way below, I thought I'd share my successful community project with everyone. For example, in response to my disgust at the 9/11 coin, I was blessed with this little gem:

Anonymous said...
there r bettr things in life than whininhg about 911 coinz. u need2learn2get alife.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I checked my statcounter and it seems like it's some kid from Weston Public Schools in Connecticut. You'd think one of the richest school districts in the country would have better English teachers. And what's more, twerp's entry link was a search for "kittens." Kittens!!!!! From the kid that tells me I "need2learn2get alife" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I replied (because you know I totally had to, even if it is some 10th grade putz):
Yeah, there are. Like learning how to spell.

You're probably just mad because you bought ten of the coins and I've hurt your little feelings. I mean, feelingz.

Peace out, byatch.
And just because I might mock, dear readers, please don't hesitate in leaving thoughtful comments like those featured above. Without you I'd have nothing to write about but the commercialization of 9/11 and other "whininhg" about world events. And that just wouldn't be any fun, now would it?