Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I can't help but love that man of mine...

I just spent $50 buying something I already have. And no, it's not some clothing item that I love love loooooooove so I'm getting it in all the rainbow shades available to my mass consumer hands. It's actually DVDs. Why, you ask, would a sane person buy duplicates of movies? One for the condo and one for the private jet perhaps? No, we all know that's not why. So what could it be?

The answer?

George Lucas is a twat. You heard me. A twat. After swearing, SWEARING, that he would never ever in a billion years a long time ago in a galaxy far far away release the theatrical versions of the Star Wars trilogy*, I bought the "enhanced version" set of the films. My logic was that these were better than ruining my original VHS versions. If I just needed a Star Wars fix, these DVDs would do.

And now? Now, Mr. "I have so much money stuffed in my neck I can make any movie I want exactly how it is in my head" has decided to make MORE money off us sad Star Wars junkies and release the original versions. The kicker? Disc 1 is the "enhanced version" of the films... THE ONES I ALREADY BOUGHT LAST YEAR!!!!!* Now I have two copies of the fucked-up Star Wars movies, all so I could get the wonderful, perfect movies* I wanted in the first place. Lucky me.

So thank you, George. I hope you're happy with all of my money. Oh yeah, and a bit of sage advice I've learned along the way:

Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should.
*Note I don't say "original trilogy." I'm sure you can surmise the reason behind that without a footnote. I just felt like doing one since I haven't written an academic paper in a while. I like footnotes. They are a geek's crack.
*Okay, I got them for XMAS, so technically I didn't "buy" them the first time... and this time I used a gift card my old coworkers gave me when I went to my new job... so none of my greens this time either... but the point still holds true, dammnit!
*Because it was created at a time when George Lucas couldn't do everything in his head. Apparently limitations are a good thing for old Georgie Peorgie.