Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sleepy Sleep

Since my houseguest is still sleeping, I thought I'd post a little ditty.

Em's visit has been great. Just been going to work and coming home to a larger house, basically. I got the boy and the girl and we're all a little family. It's nice. Although, next week I seriously gotta get back into my schedule of going to the gym and going to bed before midnight. Things are still really crazy at work, although I definitely don't feel like the "new girl" anymore. How can you when the security guard tells you as you walk in, "You wearing my favorite boots today, miss. I love those boots!" When auxiliary personnel keeps dibs on your wardrobe, you've obviously made some sort of an impression, right?

Other than my growing relationship with the security staff, things are insanely busy for all of us at work. I know, I know, I always say that, but we really are in crunch time. The shift from planning to designing is about to happen. I feel like I'm dancing in circles half of the time, unable to do what I need to do because I need something from someone who's unable to do what they need to do because they need something I'm unable to do because of them. I just gotta step up and figure out a way to make this phase work. Sometimes it's hard adjusting to my level of authority--I slip back into being a peon instead of a peer. I'm young and have a lot of responsibility, especially for my first job. I'm not always sure how to use it, what the boundaries are, you know? It's like in chess, I never use my Queen even though she's the most powerful piece. I always lose her because I'm afraid of losing her. I guess, though, that when my biggest complaint these days is figuring out how to make an exhibition, things are pretty good.

All in all, things are great. We're still on the lookout for a used car, but that's about the largest of our worries. And I'm going home to Arkansas at the end of the week, which will be a great break from the city. I can piddle! Piddling is something my Grandma taught me--just go out, walk around, shop in flea markets, or sale racks, or wherever and all by yourself with no general purpose. Piddling really centers me and I haven't had a chance to do it in a long time.

I promise to post more scathing criticism of the idiots around me soon. I've had several run-ins lately and I know you can't wait for me to share. There's a particular gem about windstorms and starving children in the Phillipines. I personally find these "life updates" hard to write and rather saccharine. I'm sure they are just as boring to read, but whattayagoingtodo when you have long-distance friends you constantly fail to email and call back?


Anonymous said...

there r bettr things in life than playinhg chess. u need2learn2get alife.

also: sleep! thatz where im a v!ikinhg.

Anonymous said...

werd, yo

there r also bettr things in life than workinhg at a job u luv, stayinhg in touch with friendz u care about, and treatinhg security staff like there people 2. u need2learn2getalife.