Sunday, September 24, 2006

Trapped in the...CT

My best friend, who was supposed to get here last week and save all you people from reading my asinine entries, has been trapped at her mom's place in Connecticut. Apparently the state recognized the potential the girl has and decided to keep her. At least she's not trapped in the closet! Bad and outdated joke, sorry. Anyhow, after colds and car trouble, she's finally heading here tomorrow! Yippee! Hilarity ensues!

Since my peep couldn't get here, I had another lazy hazy weekend. Cooked a lot, lost a bunch of chess games to my more spatially intelligent hubby, watched the awesome Hog game (I'm becoming a latent Razorback fan these days) and stayed up way too late drinking wine and watching Office mash-ups of Dwight on YouTube. Ah, it really is the little things in life that really make life worth living. And make it easier to justify that I've broken my publicly-made pact to stop ingesting empty calories.

Whatever, chess burns a lot of calories!


Emily said...

I finally made it!! I didn't realize you said all these nice things about me because I haven't gotten to check your blog in a couple days. Thanks dear! See you when you get home from work.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant, "c u when u get home from work."