Wednesday, August 16, 2006

All You Can Eat

Why do mosquitoes like certain people for chow and not others? Isn't it because some people have thinner skin to bite through? Or higher levels of nutrients? I have no idea... Anyhow, the point is that I was out watering my yard (okay, my 5ft by 5ft square in front of the rowhouse) for maybe 10 minutes and I am COVERED in bites. This happens anytime I go outside, skin covered or not. Seriously, I can be wearing jeans and somehow those damn buggers just munch right on down. Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp. MMMM, yummy Elizabeth. Tastes like... blood.

In other news, why do people who sign up for kickball for the booze insist on taking it seriously? Against a group of (mostly) girls who not only haven't played team sports since elementary school, but also were last to be picked? Okay, it wasn't really that bad. Everyone was really nice, although it was a slaughter. In fact the ump politely suggested that we get some "base training" from any of us who might of played softball/baseball in the past. Husband, I'm looking at you.

I'm off to bed. Found out today in weekly staff meeting that our team is three weeks behind on a immovable deadline. Those three weeks are partly piled up on my desk, so I need to be ready for battle tomorrow. It probably doesn't help that my position was empty for a year... Funny how just because noone's doing the work, the work doesn't stop needing someone to do it.
