Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Out of Context

So, the Washington Post Express quoted me on their "we need to fill space" page of the free daily today, but, after showing it to several people, I feel the need to clarify in case someone wanders over here due to that quote...

The quote:
"I find it very interesting that people who want equality in this country are often the biggest losers." kittenswithmittens.blogspot.com reacts to a recent study that shows that men who value traditional gender roles tend to make more money than men who do not.

The meaning:
Okay, so my quote could be read as "people who want equality are lam-O."  Which is not what it meant, clearly, when taken in context (or even if you read the little bit of caption the Express provided)... I meant that our country doesn't equally value those who value equality.  In fact, such people (feminists, humanists, socialists, social justice activists, whatever), are often not only ignored, but also, apparently, underpaid.  It was a play on the words "equal" and "loss" and not meant to in any way support the rewarding of traditional gender roles.

Perhaps I'm being a bit sensitive about being misread, but, well, when it comes to my fight for equality, I want it known that I am 100% unequivocally a feminist, socialist, bleeding-heart liberal.  And I should be treated fairly whether you like that or not.*

*Not that the Express treated me unfairly, just the world in general... J-E-S-U-S, I'm myopically sensitive today...