Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Okay, the gloves are off...

Sarah Palin, while self-proclaimed feminist mayor, made rape victims pay for their own rape kits

WHAT. THE. FUCK. ?!?!?!?.


an orange county girl said...

my friend sent me that article with your reaction in the subject line. that policy is pretty effed up if you ask me.

Sara said...

omg. that's ridiculously puke-a-licious. as much as i am a third-waver (championing the widespread use of the "feminist" label), its moments like these that i think... hmmm... perhaps we should enforce a little restriction on the use of this word! seriously.

elizabethjune said...

i know, the third-waver in me is totally twitchy. i mean, i get that there are some feminists out there whose definition of what all falls under choice isn't as open as my definition, but palin... she doesn't support ANYTHING that is good for woman... i'm thinking outside of the pro-abortion/anti-abortion divide and just getting in to plain old women as equals. i agree with biden, that palin would actually be a step-back for women, even if it does mean a vagina in the white house. 'cause you know what, she won't have any real power except over the policies that destroy what our mothers and grandmothers helped build for us.