Monday, September 22, 2008

Defining Feminism

Sara had a really great comment to my post where Palin's anti-woman policies boggled my mind:

omg. that's ridiculously puke-a-licious. as much as i am a third-waver (championing the widespread use of the "feminist" label), its moments like these that i think... hmmm... perhaps we should enforce a little restriction on the use of this word! seriously.

Like Sara, I, too, want more people (men, women, whatever) to embrace feminism and I certainly don't want Palin to be treated with sexism... but, she's not a feminist.

Here's a great (but long-ish) discussion on this topic:

The Feminist Press' Gloria Jacobs and's Courtney Martin Discuss Sarah Palin from Brian Lehrer Live on Vimeo.


Sara said...

ah! wish i could watch video on this slow-ass african internets. i'll have a lot of catching up to do when i return to the states.