Saturday, January 20, 2007


So, I'm finally catching up on my telly for the week and I have to say, I think I'm a bit of a voyeur. My boy is asleep because he gets embarrassed easily (hi Allison!) and I insisted on watching my American Idol episodes after we finished our Smallville and Netflix choices (The Night Listener...kind of want to read the book now)... I don't know why, but I really love watching people embarrass themselves while attempting their dreams. Is this because I don't attempt mine? I'm not sure, because I love love love love my job and can't believe people (as in tax payers) actually give me money to make awesome exhibitions (haha, do I take off my clothes? heard it, dude).... or is it my secret long-standing desire to be a famous singer? Sure I was in advanced choir, but that wasn't because I have a nice voice, it was because of those years in piano and violin that I actually could sing in tune. And read notes. Is my love of talent shows because I want to watch others suffer the humiliation I am afraid I will face myself? While I watch safely from my couch, my singing fantasy untouched by reality? Since American Idol hasn't been back to DC, I guess I'll never know, will I?