Monday, November 14, 2005

Well, Hell...

I can't believe that it is already mid-November. Jesus, what the hell happened? I graduated 6 months ago now and am still trying to find permanent employment. As much as I love the Smithsonian, I can't be a contractor for the rest of my career... I need health insurance, for one. Oh yeah, and a paycheck not dependent on someone else filing my invoice. Someone who's completely bored at their job and doesn't really care that I have rent due at the first of the month...

That's about all my life is right now, though... work work work work work and trying to get a job that would be more work. But, my best friend from college is coming up from Lawrence this weekend for the opening of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I can't wait. Yes, I read Harry Potter. In fact, when the last book came out I even went to a train station in Old Towne that had been converted to Platform 9 and 3/4. I am a geek. I never claim to be anything else.

Anyways... Jennipher is coming up and we're going to go see HP at the Uptown and then head out on the town... then home to Arkansas for Thanksgiving...then back to our Nation's capital.

And then, you ask?

Yep, that's right, more work... And I used to complain about school...