Monday, November 21, 2005

Going Around is the New Black

To start off, Harry Potter rocked! It was amazing, even though they did cut stuff out that I like from the book... I honestly can't say anything but good things... Oh and that I have slightly illegal crushes on Harry and Ron. Whew, that was good to get off my chest.

On to other things, like the fact that even though I love to party, meet new people, and go to bars, I'm apparently completely incapable of it. After Harry Potter at the Uptown, 10 of us decided to get a small bite to eat and head out for dancing in Adams Morgan. Perhaps the problem was that there was 10 of us, or perhaps it was the fact that most of us in the party tend to enjoy drinking while playing Atari or Scrabble, but we failed miserably at even getting anywhere near a bar or an alcoholic drink... We kept wandering, then stopping and conferring, then wandering, then getting an idea, then vetoing, then wandering... And finally, we gave up. Some of us bought some empanadas from Julia's on 18th, some of us went across to a coffee place to get hot chocolate, but none of us got wasted or danced or made out with strangers... it was a "failed" night in the city. We didn't go out, we went around.

The moral of this story? Maybe me and my friends are more the home types... or maybe we just don't know too many places in Adams-Morgan... or maybe 10 people should never try to eat somewhere at 10pm on a Saturday in D.C... or maybe we should plan ahead...

Well, whatever the lesson learned, I do know this: empanadas make me happy. Mmmmmm, empanadas.


Jennipher Shaver said...

My mouth is watering just thinking about the empanadas...