Thursday, December 20, 2007

Things I Love About the Green Line

  1. Getting all of my XMAS shopping done in one night and at all locally owned stores
  2. Feeding my tired self chicken roti and chala at the Islander
  3. Observing the regulars at Wednesday Karaoke at the Islander
  4. Really super excited passerby clapping and smiling and giggling with adoration for singer from OUTSIDE the restaurant
  5. Running into a friend that I don't see often in Metro station
  6. Being guilted into getting a drink at the Wonderland with said (drunk) friend even though I should be sleeping/wrapping presents
  7. Running into some other friends at bar, drinking a lovely beer, making some new friends and still getting to bed by 11:00pm because I live two blocks away!


Herb of DC said...

I love all those things also. I just hate having to actually ride the Green line--especially during rush hour.