Thursday, January 05, 2006

All Aboard the Health Train!

So, New Year, New You, right? Although I usually make a very specific resolution, like "buy less celebrity gossip magazines," this year I'm going obtuse and mantra-esque... "Healthy Living" in 2006.

I know, I know, what does "Healthy Living" even mean and how in the world would one keep up such a resolution?

Essentially, the gist is that I want to eat better, work out more, have more patience, read more, be proactive... I want to be healthy emotionally, physically, and, cough cough, "spiritually." Okay, that one can go, it's just it's sort of a triumvarate and I couldn't exclude it.

This last year was a major stresser... I was always running around with my temper ready to flare, my mouth filled with crap food or beer, and my eyes filled with tears. I know, it's sounds so melodramatic, but it's true. I realized that all of the drinking, stressing, and life-changes were taking a toll on me and my personality. I was just so tired and anxious all of the time. So, I decided that this year, I will change the things that I can so I have a better chance of handling the things that I can't. Plus, I gained ten pounds and that has got to go.

Thankfully, it's not as bad as the great Zoloft incident of 2002, where I packed on 35 pounds in about a month, thanks to my lovely and less than forthright shrink:

Doctor: Elizabeth, we have decided that you have OCD and Panic Disorder. We think you should take some Zoloft, which is the only FDA approved SSRI for OCD.
Elizabeth: Um, okay. If you think it will help. Are there any side effects?
Doctor: Well, yes. You might have dry mouth, vivid dreams, and sexual disfunction. But probably not. Trust me.
Elizabeth. Well, okay. I guess it's worth it.

Two months and 35 pounds later, I discovered that Zoloft had one more side effect than the doctor had told me: Sudden and extreme weight gain... oh yeah and as long as you were on the Zoloft, you couldn't lose it. New diagnosis: Depression due to Zoloft side effects. What's the point of not having panic attacks if you don't like sex and your pants don't fit?

With the help of my best friend and health junkie Jennipher, a treadmill, and a healthy diet, I lost all of the weight and then some. But, with this last year, I just haven't been able to live and take care of myself like I want to. Thus, "Healthy Living 2006." I don't have Zoloft's extreme side effects as an excuse for my health this time, I just have me and my choices.

In order to facilitate this resolution, I am planning on doing weekly updates on my blog as to my progress, activities, etc. If I know people out there (some I'm sure I like, some not... you know who you are) are reading this, it pushes my results into the spotlight. People always perform better, make "right" decisions, behave when they think they are being watched. It's the best part of society, I think. Positive behavior out of guilt/legal action/shame.

So, if you don't like reading those sorts of posts, sorry. I promise there will also be cultural critiques along with my obsessive overviews of my diet. Unless I decide they aren't "healthy." Just kidding.



Jenn said...

I'll be watching you! ;)