Sunday, January 15, 2006

This or That

So, I love white wine.

Okay, okay, there's more to me than that... but essentially, I've been drinking vino throughout the night and have stayed up. My husband (tee hee, such a silly Victorian word) just went to sleep... and I'm still up. Of course, that was not without me sniffing his armpits repeatedly. He smells like snikerdoodle cookies. Now that's love.

Anyhow, I was staying up watching Poirot (see earlier post) in order to catch Dr. Who on late night public television. Yes, I watch PBS. Yes, I listen to NPR. It's true, I'm a liberal. But, here's the catch, I'm not from the coasts! Egads! I'm from... da da da... the middle of the US! Arkansas!!!!! Can it be true?

But I digress...

Staying up way past bedtime (in my case because of wine and a midafternoon nap, in his case because I made him) we caught This or That. It's this Burlesque game show that airs in San Fran, New York, Atlanta, and Arlington, Va (D.C.). It was hilarious. All I can say is "Sensual balloon popping." Wow.

Awesome what people will do...

I love not having cable. It forces me to find this stuff.

Fuck VH1.


Mark-ThisorThat said...

There's lots of video clips from the "This or That!" stage show on our video blog:

you can even subscribe to them!

Thanks for the link love...