Saturday, November 08, 2008

Some people...

... are seriously deluded!!! This site, which fascinates and horrifies me, is STILL stuck on the groundless lawsuits attempting to "prove" that Obama wasn't born in Hawai'i and is therefore ineligible to be POTUS. What's crazy to me is that if this is true, and he was born in Indonesia or Kenya as some of the "lore" goes, it wouldn't matter that his mother was an American citizen, because she had him so young. Apparently, the law states something about how you have to have been a citizen for at least 10 years (which she was), but 6 or so of those years must be over the age of 16 (which, they weren't, since she was only 18 when she had Barack). I might have some of the dates/numbers a bit off, but essentially, if you are teenage mother overseas and have your child there, that child is not eligible for US citizenship. What these groups are conveniently forgetting is that McCain's birth was also questioned, since he was born at the Panama Canal... Clearly, constitutional lawyers have decided that it was not the intention of the founders that children born to military personnel serving their country overseas should be denied citizenship, so McCain passes. And I'm pretty sure that the intention of the US Constitution was not meant to deny the right of teenage mothers, if, in fact, this witch-hunt against Obama's birth somehow, magically yields true information. It's just a bunch of frightened, misinformed, and ignorant people desperately trying to fix something that they've been told is scary and wrong. The real issue here is that they believe that Barack Obama is a Islamic-Fascist and a Marxist who will destroy America. Seriously, just on that alone, I can't even begin to have a logical conversation with the people that buy into this site--those two belief systems are on polar opposite of one another and cannot exist in the same country or in the same brain!!! It's insane to think they can be equal goals... at least pick one or the other to be frightened of, people!! When you are cherry-picking anything and everything that could be wrong with Barack Obama, even if contradictory, it seems to me that the real issue is clearly one simple thing that I won't even bother to dignify.

One last bit before I get up and finish packing up my house and my life, here's another small piece of inanity--this site also claims that IF Obama is in fact an American citizen, his father is secretly Malcolm X and not Barack Hussein Obama. !!!!!! They prove this claim with the hard and fast facts that Obama LOOKS more like Malcolm X than his father and that he's a crazy Islamic-Marxist too! Wow... just, Wow! I mean, I guess we should be happy that the members on this site recognize that all black people DON'T look the same... although they don't understand genetics, so I guess partway into the 20th century is all we can ask. Though I can't believe I even need to clarify... First, Obama looks JUST like his mother's side of the family. Take a look at the ears as proof and how much Malia looks like her Kenyan grandfather. Second, Obama is biracial... Malcolm X was also biracial and a similar skin-tone to Obama... If Malcolm X were genetically Obama's father, Obama might be considerably lighter-skinned than he is, you dolts! Though, as genetic variation has shown, there is so much diversity even within families! Third, GET OVER IT! OBAMA IS GOING TO BE PRESIDENT! And, under him, despite all your crazy fears, you'll actually get to keep being crazy fools. Seriously, Obama will protect you and all your far-right, fake-logical, paranoia.

Finally, my friends know that I vehemently dislike Ayn Rand and Objectivism... however, I seriously think that even she would be appalled at the misuse of her beliefs and works like Atlas Shrugged by this site. At least Ayn Rand was a legitimate thinker and questioner of systems... I just don't think she came to the sorts of conclusion I agree with... this site is just balls to the walls absurdity and paranoia.

Okay, I feel better now. Can we all just move on, paranoid and bleeding hearts alike? And, I don't know, spend our time volunteering instead of digging up dirt on the "other" side?


Chaya said...

Obama would be more light-skinned if Malcolm X were his father because Malcolm X was bi-racial.
Not necessarily - a woman whose ancestor going back many generations was black could give birth to a dark-skinned baby.

elizabethjune said...


That's exactly my point--that you can't use how Malcolm X looks to decide that he is Obama's father, just because BHO Sr. is darker-skinned. That's why I said "might be" and noted the genetic variation that happens within families:

"Second, Obama is biracial... Malcolm X was also biracial and a similar skin-tone to Obama... If Malcolm X were genetically Obama's father, Obama might be considerably lighter-skinned than he is, you dolts! Though, as genetic variation has shown, there is so much diversity even within families!"