Saturday, November 15, 2008


So, we moved today... which was not so awesome.  But, hey, it's done!  However, my house has passed judgment on our boxspring and our couch--NONE SHALL PASS!!!!  Or at least, not fit up the stairs... so, I guess that means we have to find new solutions... However, my house did accept (through open front doors while unpacking the truck) a crazy drunk lady who rudely demanded pizza, money from my friends, and called my husband an asshole because we wouldn't give her a second piece of pizza or thirty cents.  She didn't have meth face or crack teeth and had really nice clothes on, so I'm hoping she was possessed by the pizza devil?  At the very least, I hope she's not a regular. Though she did offer $3 a month to rent a room in the house and who can pass up that sweet of a deal?

Welcome to the neighborhood!