Monday, November 26, 2007


I know a 5th blogger---how could I forget my favorite dude, Erik? Tag, you're it!


Erik said...

My blog is kind of a zombie... looks and feels alive, but is actually undead. Sorry buddy.

Emily said...

Wait, I don't count! That was a travel blog!

Hm, is it okay if I share my 5 facts here? I hope so, because I don't know my password anymore.

1. I am a magnet for talkative strangers.

2. According to my eye doctor, I have abnormally large pupils.

3. I have seen a University of Arkansas basketball game in the White House theater thing, but they didn't get the station (Jefferson Pilot) very well so the picture was kind of fuzzy. Also the refreshments were Diet Pepsi and popcorn without butter or salt. Thanks, Bill for imposing your diet on everyone else. Also I tried to follow my family into the Rose Garden at half time, and we neglected to tell anyone where we were going, so a bunch of snipers pointed their big scary guns at us and we went back inside. But it was still pretty sweet.

4. I love young adult literature, especially the kind that stars girls with swords.

5. In the course of her genealogical research, my grandma found out that we're descended from pirates!