Thursday, December 28, 2006

My Husband Made a Good Move and Other Truths About My Bum

My Holiday is officially over... I have bronchitis, feel like death, didn't even comb my hair today for work and still managed to be objectified by a stranger...

"Ma'am, do you have a light?"
"No, I don't smoke"
"Oh. Well, do you have a boyfriend?"
"No, I have a husband."
"Oh. Well, that was a good move... Tell him he did a good job."

Yes, sir, I will, as soon as he gets home. And maybe I'll take up smoking too, just to complete your day, luvah boy.

In other news, I'm not sure which of these things gives me more of the heevey-bajeveeys:

One day eating these cloned cows


the thought of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld young and in neutral-toned polyester...

Yeah, you're right. A young and virile looking Cheney does invoke much more fear than something as silly as cloned food. I mean, imagine how many more Americans he could have killed before his 7 heart attacks? Cloned cows don't carry any of the ill-tasting karma that man does... Mmmmm, good karma hamburger.

Finally, I would like to take this time to gives thanks for one of the few perks of working for the man: I have a four day weekend thanks to President Ford's passing. I guess that's a fair trade for him introducing the world to the ills of Rumsfeld and Cheney, right? Mmmmm, day of mourning for man who pardoned Nixon and ushered in the era of the New Right. Yum Yum.

*Photos captured from CNN and Wonkette...*