Friday, July 28, 2006

Apparently things are good...

I love my job. I love DC. I love my new place (sans fruit flies...grrrrrrrr). And this translates to me not feeling that unending urge to vent, rant, cuss, and write in my blog. Saying that I've been too busy is a lame excuse, because I was just as busy (or busier) when I was in grad school and job hunting, and I wrote then. In high school I spent most of my free time writing free verse poetry and rants. And at the time, I was an huge basketcase with rollercoaster self esteem... Apparently writing is my way of focusing what I perceive to be the insane world around me. When things begin to fall into place, I don't need to create that order or vent those frustrations. As much as I'm happy that my lack of posts reflects some tranquility in the physical world, I want to try and change this pattern and start writing to stretch my brain out. I enjoy writing. I'm certainly not the best, most creative, analytical writer...but I like it. If expressing myself this way benefits me when my life is adrift, I wonder how much it can enhance me other times?

Anyhow... a short update for you loyal readers out there...

My job is fabulous! Every day I am excited to go to work, every day I am surprised that 8 hours have gone by. I'm overworked and underpaid, but it doesn't matter. I love the work. I love the staff. I love the pace. I still feel the need to pinch myself... Even though I've worked really hard, went to a great school, created a good portfolio, I still have a hard time believing the great job that I landed. I mean, I'm 25 years old and I am doing EXACTLY what I want to do. Not "sorta" what I want to do so I can do what I really want to do later, but RIGHT NOW, I'm doing what I hoped I'd be doing three years ago when I started my masters. Okay, now that I've tooted my own horn... I'm sure I impressed all of you out there and proven that I'm AWESOME.

In other news... the Honda was in a bit of an accident. Okay, it was totaled. Because of ducks. It's a long story, I'll post it and some pics later... We have to get a new car now, because even though I'm totally Metro-centric, my husband's job is not Metro accessible. It's a great system, but it's not perfect and it doesn't go everywhere we need to go.

We haven't had much time *cough cough money cough cough* to do anything "fun" lately. We started hanging pictures up in the house. That's very exciting, I know. We also have tickets to see the NSO perform the score to the Wizard of Oz with the movie playing in real time. It's supposed to be an awesome concert. Oh and I finally joined a kickball team. I know, now that EVERYONE's doing it, I finally find a team. I've been wanting to play for years, since I heard it was making a comeback back when I lived in Missouri. Kickball was one my better team sports. That's a relative "better" though... cause I suck at team sports. But still, it's cause for excitement. Play starts in a couple of weeks. I don't know too many people on the team, but I think it'll be a good way to meet some new people. Most of my crew has moved out of the DC area... which is good and bad... it means they have jobs, but that I miss them. It's also turning me into a bit of a hermit. I already have the propensity to hang out at home reading, watching movies, etc. In fact, I tend to go to dinner, shows, and movies by myself when I do get out of the house. I'm thisclose to crazy person living in a cave in the park. But if you find men's shoes in my cave, remember I'm not a weirdo transvestite, but an executive transvestite. If you get that joke, you are allowed to be my new best friend. Unless I hate you.

I honestly have to say the coolest thing lately is finding out that I'm three degrees of separation away from the woman who plays Tanya on Footballer's Wives. Seriously. One of my coworkers is from England, her mom is an acting professor, and Tanya was her student. Three degrees to awesomeness in the form of amazing coke-snorting nails and Satan-straightened hair. Rock on.