Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Do do do de do...

Well, it's been a week and a half at my new job and the piles have already started overtaking my desk... and you know what?! I fucking LOVE it! Right now I'm just trying to get immersed in the new exhibit. I'm reading all of the synthesized materials and managing all of the assets. I'm the asset guru. How much does that rock? Okay, okay, I'm totally showing my geekiness within... but databases make me hot.

Not much else has been happening. We decided not to deal with the 4th of July celebrations on the Mall, even though watching fireworks from the steps of the Capitol while canons fire 1812 Overture makes me the closest to forgetting that Bush is president I can get these days, the crowds are unbearable. The great thing is that we didn't need to take the Metro to get a firework display--our neighborhood, Columbia Heights, and neighboring Shaw, Petworth, and Mt. Pleasant, all put on their own fireworks. People were just hanging out on the street, watching the kids and parents (and some elderly) shoot fireworks. Even though it kept me up until 2am, it was a great examples of how this part of DC is much more like a neighborhood than the gentrified, transient parts with summer interns who will never plant roots or pay for DC street parking.

Oooo, pot calling kettle black, you say? Well, it might interest some of you that we will be staying here for at least 6 years... My exhibits team only does one exhibit every three years and I would like to be a part of at least this one, Global Health, and the next, Native American Medical Practices. So, I will be getting those lovely "Taxation without Representation" tags for the ol' Honda and registering to vote in a geographic area where I actually have no voting rights. Yipee!!!! Who knows, maybe we'll even get our own little dilapidated rowhouse in Shaw and live here happily ever after? Sure, New York is more hip, but DC's got free museums suckas!


Anonymous said...

Hooray for dream jobs!!

I've been at mine for just over a month and every day I still think I'm lucky to get to work there.



Maria said...

Just had to say that I love your blog name :o)

Glad you're enjoying your job!