Friday, February 17, 2006

Are You Fucking Kidding Me?!

The Italian courts just ruled that if you rape a 14-year-old who has had sex before, the crime is less severe than if the girl had been a virgin.

Are you fucking kidding me?!!!

The case involved a step-dad who had forced his stepdaughter to perform oral sex on him. He claimed it was less traumatic since she wasn't a virgin anyhow. This kind of anti-woman thinking is along the same lines that claims you can't rape your wife or prostitutes. A 14-year-old's sexual experiences with peers does not change the horror of having someone that you trust, who is a parent, who is in a position of power, molesting you. When are people going to understand that rape is not about sex, it's about power. Sex is the weapon in which that step-dad controlled an innocent girl. By innocent I don't mean virginal, I mean without any blame in the situation. Virgin or no, slut or no, that individual sexual experience will change that girl forever. It will haunt her and will leave her forever changed, no matter how many times she had sex before or after. Period.

That man should be ashamed of himself. The Italian courts should be ashamed of themselves. We should be ashamed that Italy is hosting the Olympics when the men that rape 14-year-olds get lessened sentences based on a sexist, anti-victim culture.

Fuck, I'm mad.