Tuesday, August 04, 2009

DC isn't the coolest city...

...but it's also not as lame as every single internet personality from NY (or at least Gawker) makes it out to be. Every now and then this subject gets in my craw and I google it and get angrier and angrier and angrier. I'm usually drunk when I do and also looking up ex-roommates to see how lame they are now (you know, to mask my own insecurities... sigh...but that's all beside the point!) Anyhow, take a look at the below posts, which aren't even about just how much cooler NY is than DC (which, duh, can you even compare the geographic area, the population density, the voting rights disparities?!), but also just about how uncool DC is. BTW, I think NY is awesome. I might even move there at some point in my life--who knows?! I try not to define myself by where I live, but by what I do while living there. Apparently, however, for a certain populace of NY this is not the case, and dissing the District is the "cool" thing to do now...

I'm not going to get into why I think DC is awesome (which I do), but I will say that if you notice, nearly EVERY single criticism of DC is about the transient, over-educated, white population of the city, that I also loathe... Comments like this really get my goat:

I used to live there... 90% of the DC population sucks ass. The only micro-sub-groups that are any fun are (1) self-loathing journalists and (2) World Bankers. Both cliques can drink the average Washingtonian under the table, but with the second category, you get bottle service.

I'm confused--you only like the over-educated yuppies, but hate the other 90%, which are who? How is it that so many of these comments are about how awful Georgetown is and how there's no music scene (read: indie, read: white), when %50 of DC's population is persons of color who are disproportionately poor? Did these people ever leave Metro Center? Did they ever actually talk to someone who grew up in the District, not the metro area?! These types of posts and comments are about "Washington," not the "District," you know what I mean? A lot of DC residents HATE this shit, too. Or else don't have access and time to waste on the stupid internets in the first place...they are too busy with tasty half-smokes, block parties, political activism (both good and of the Barry variety), jazz, and Go Go.

Anyhow, I'm tipsy and this is annoying me right now, for whatever reason. However, I'm going to go upstairs and go to sleep instead of continuing this useless rant...

Here are the posts, if you are interested...
