Monday, June 08, 2009

I can't post this video because it's way too... too

So, this video of Israeli-Americans and their opinions of Obama is extremely upsetting and, sadly, not so shocking.  I especially love the kid that shouts "White Power"--um, buddy, the "White Power" guys would cut you if they had an opportunity.  Is this ironic or just oblivious?  I'm never sure of that definition...

Anyhow, I know that for a lot of a people the Israel/Arab conversation is a hot-button issue, and rightly so, for both sides.  Any time where people are suffering and dying and committing acts of violence towards others is obviously not a good thing.  Neither side, in my opinion, has clean hands.*  But, the vitriol and sense of entitlement shown in these young people is inexcusable and certainly doesn't give me much faith in the situation finding a peaceful, reasonable solution that values the human rights of all people.**

*And, before you post a reactive comment, no, I'm not anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian.  I'm not anti-Semitic or a secret Muslim-hater (or lover) because I think both sides have valid points and both sides have committed unreasonable acts of violence.  I'm not for or against any one side, other than that of all humans and the protection of everyone's basic rights to live in a safe area and have access to nutritious food, clean water, and housing. 

**Also, I know that's a bit reactive, but I was upset by the video. Just like I know, from personal experience, that the racist, idiot words of the idiot rednecks don't represent the values of ALL Southerners, I get that there are a lot of Israelis and Jews that find what these dumbasses said abhorrent...