Friday, January 23, 2009

Moving on...

So the "Purple Tunnel of Doom" has been getting some press and we're getting some apologies and some free pictures of Obama and Biden. I'm personally trying to keep it all in perspective: that Obama is president, that what could have been a dangerous situation wasn't due to the goodwill and spirit of those of us trapped down there, and, as a coworker pointed out, that we were still a part of history... not all history is good, sometimes it means being part of a huge organizational snafu, like the Purple Tunnel of Doom, but it's something that'll be remembered for a long time... 10 years from now I can tell my nephew that, "Hey, I was one of those 4-10 thousand people trapped underground who never got in that they always talk about! Isn't that awesome?!" Sure, I'll never get the moment back, nor will any of the people who never heard anything more than the canon shots, but for my own sanity, I have to reframe this in my mind or I'll never be able to enjoy the moment and all that it means. Am I still pissed? Hell, yeah. Would I turn down a redo? Hell, no. But, in the end, there's nothing I can do about it...

As I kept telling myself the four cold hours I was trapped on Tuesday, "Find your Zen, Elizabeth, find your Zen."

Zen being found...