Thursday, December 11, 2008

quick life update for those that care

we still don't have the heat in the house resolved, we're still sleeping on the floor, we still can't get the couch upstairs, and i'm still an anxiety monster. oo, and we're dogsitting an 80 lb boxer with a uti, i have bronchitis, and, did i mention, i'm still grumpy?

but soon (please GOD, soon!) i'll be able to start on the nuts and bolts of the house (the rest of the toilets, paint, unpacking) and i'll post some pictures.

okay, update over.


Jenn said...

When you say that all together, it's actually kind of funny because it's so absurdly stressful. Hang in there -- glad you have a pup to cheer you up (and keep you warm)!