I know that this is a bit heady for what is essentially my "end of the year" post, but I had to put this article up that I found on Jezebel. It's about "not rape," those experiences of sexual assault, harassment or coercion that many women experience and don't know how (or have the power) to frame. And that society continues to support by blaming the victim or making excuses because the individuals are otherwise "good" men or by teaching woman not to offend people and speak up. Yes, we learned a lot about rape. What we were not prepared for was everything else. Rape was something we could identify, an act with a strict definition and two distinct scenarios. Not rape was something else entirely. [...] Not rape came in other many other forms as well. No one escaped - all my friends had some kind of experience with it during their teen years. Not rape was being pressured into losing your virginity in a swimming pool pump room to keep your older boyfriend happy. Not rape was waking up in the middle of the night to find a trusted family friend in bed with you - and having nightmares about something that you can't remember during the daylight hours. Not rape was having your mother's boyfriends ask you for sexual favors. Not rape was feeling the same group of boys grope you between classes, day after day after day. Not rape was being twelve years old, having a "boyfriend" who was twenty-four and trading sex for free rides, pocket money, Reeboks, and a place to stay when your mother was tripping. My friends and I confided in each other, swapping stories, sharing out pain, while keeping it all hidden from the adults in our lives. After all, who could we tell? This wasn't rape - it didn't fit the definitions. This was Not rape. We should have known better. We were the ones who would take the blame. We would be punished, and no one wanted that. So, these actions went on, aided by a cloak of silence. Not rape was all those other little things that we experienced everyday and struggled to learn how to deal with those situations. In those days, my ears were filled with secrets that were not my own, the confessions of not rapes experienced by the girls I knew then and the women I know now.
An excerpt:
Entering our teenage years in the sex saturated '90s, my friends and I knew tons about rape. We knew to always be aware while walking, to hold your keys out as a possible weapon against an attack. We knew that we shouldn't walk alone at night, and if we absolutely had to, we were to avoid shortcuts, dark paths, or alleyways. We even learned ways to combat date rape, even though none of us were old enough to have friends that drove, or to be invited to parties with alcohol. We memorized the mantras, chanting them like a yogic sutra, crafting our words into a protective charm with which to ward off potential rapists: do not walk alone at night. Put a napkin over your drink at parties. Don't get into cars with strange men. If someone tries to abduct you, scream loudly and try to attack them because a rapist tries to pick women who are easy targets.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Not Rape
Thursday, December 18, 2008
wtf, obama, wtf?
I mean, I get trying to meet in the middle--some of my best friends have opposite views than me on LGBT issues or abortion rights, but you know what?? I'm not getting sworn in by them to be President... and if I was, at least I could say I was FRIENDS with them...
Pick somebody else, dude!
ps I know that Obama is smarter than me and probably has a plan...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
quick life update for those that care
we still don't have the heat in the house resolved, we're still sleeping on the floor, we still can't get the couch upstairs, and i'm still an anxiety monster. oo, and we're dogsitting an 80 lb boxer with a uti, i have bronchitis, and, did i mention, i'm still grumpy?
but soon (please GOD, soon!) i'll be able to start on the nuts and bolts of the house (the rest of the toilets, paint, unpacking) and i'll post some pictures.
okay, update over.
Monday, December 08, 2008
i know that it's been a while since i posted and these last two seem like random items, but can i just say that i'm not happy that obama picked larry summers as his chief economic advisor??? i don't care how good you are with money, when you say that women just can't be as smart at science as men, i stop listening to everything you say and then the economy falls apart since i buy a lot of shit... or, am i really not listening because economics is math and math is science and I'M JUST TOO GENETICALLY STUPID TO GET IT?!?!?!?!?!? GAH!!!!
let me just say that i knew that obama would do lots of things to piss me off, even before i voted for him. i mean, he's a centrist and i'm a scary socialist commie feminazi... but, i still have hope because he is not his voters or his cabinet or even, all of his votes. the world is complicated and i'm willing to buy into that for a while longer. besides, michelle is AWESOME and if she likes him, well, perhaps i'll let him pass just this once. and on fisa. and on clinton. and on... crap, i'm sad now. look at pictures of him with kids again to make it alright!
whew, crisis of faith averted.
Goodbye Mollygood
Mollygood, my go-to for celebrity gossip, is going away and I'm sad. I know it might seem superficial to lament the end of a gossip blog, but in a cyberworld where so many websites either "tell the news" by ignoring pertinent information in lieu of brangelina gossip (ahem, I'm looking at you CNN.com) or, if focused solely on gossip, do so in a horribly misogynistic, crass, banal, and stupid way (e.g. Perez Hilton, yeeeah, tmz, idontlikeyouinthatway, etc., etc., etc.), Mollygood was refreshing. It offered a daily dose of mindless distraction, but did so with respect and awareness for different lifestyles and diversity. Its commentors were often above-par intelligence and funny as hell, its posts were refreshingly political, always fun and snarky, and, without fail, plain ole' smart.
In a world where ignorance is lauded as a "traditional" value, I will be sad to no longer have a place to get my gossip without having to dumb myself down.