Monday, October 27, 2008

Life Changes

So, here's a quick update since I will probably be very quiet over the next couple of weeks, continuing the trend started earlier this month... The boy and I bought a house!  In DC!! In LeDroit Park!!!  We are wicked excited, nervous, scared, elated, anxious, exhausted, and a myriad of other emotions all happening at the same time, on any given day.  The house is a foreclosure and the owners took all of the fixtures, appliances, and environmental systems, so we have been filling our time at Home Depot and will soon be spending all of our time putting in toilets.  We will be out of our current apartment in Columbia Heights before Thanksgiving and then are making the trek back from family visits in Arkansas with a UHAUL of crap my parents have been dying for me to take since I moved out in '99. 

So, yay!  Pictures and the like once we get unpacked...

Oh yeah, and don't forget to vote! 


Jenn said...

Yay, yay, YAY!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!!