A Timeline
Move to DC. Aghast at the fashion--seriously, what's wrong with sneakers and overalls?
Decide dressing cute isn't so bad... a necklace here, some lip gloss there, maybe some cute little shoes.
All out cute, all the time. Even pointed-toe shoes. In white. All year round.
My foot starts to hurt a bit. And I begin to obsess about bunions. Foot hurts more. I obsess more. Repeat.
Jan 2008
I get a tattoo on said hurting foot. Still insisting on wearing cute shoes to show it off.
Feb 2008
I give up, I give up! I am officially an old lady shoe wearer. I can't do it anymore and I don't care if I can't even wear shoes where my rocket can be seen. MY TOE FUCKING HURTS!!! So, I have inserts in all of my shoes and I just bought some of those atrociously ugly Dansko clogs. Walked two miles in them yesterday and it felt like heaven. My chucks are now like cushiony clouds. My ballet flats (which show off Kermie quite nicely) are amazing. I only have one pair of pointy toe boots that I can wear with inserts and even they feel comfy (er).
So there you go, toe. Stop hurting. You win.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Fashion Hurts...
Holy Roller Coast, Batman!
Okay, I got that out. Now I can move on to what happened this week.
I voted. I decided. At the voting booth, in fact, something I never use to understand. And it kills me because the feminist in me is upset, but the idealist in me is hopeful if not a bit annoyed by the insanely overenthusiastic 'BamaHeads. They remind me of the Nader supporters in 2000 and that's NOT a good thing.
I don't usually like Maureen Dowd's "feminist" critiques, but this is sorta how I feel. It's not that she's a woman, it's that she's her. And it's so hard for me to say that because I've looked up to Hillary Clinton my ENTIRE life. I'm an Arkansas girl, born and bred, and I grew up thinking that a governor's wife who actually had a job, who was smart, who had her own ideas, who was kinda like my own amazing mom, well, that's the sort of person I wanted as my President. The boy remembers years ago when I said, "If Hillary Clinton ever runs for President, I'll vote for her. Hell, I'll quit my job and work on her campaign." So what happened? I honestly don't know... maybe I got more progressive and critical or the Democratic party or maybe it was Iraq and the scandals and the seemingly opportunistic choices she's made just to get here. But I'll always wonder if I made a mistake. If the process--the sexism completely entrenched in our society--made Hillary have to respond in a Machiavellian way. I'll always wonder if the woman who championed health care for us in the early 1990s realized back then that she had to become President to make the change she wanted for our country and if that goal of becoming President has overtaken everything else... if her world has become so myopic she can't see past this goal. If it made her vote for Iraq just to get here because that's what she decided she had to do back in 1994 to make a difference. I don't know. I just know that it didn't feel right to vote for her at that moment at that voting booth. And that really sucked because I didn't necessarily want Obama either. I'm not head over heels... I'm tentatively excited. Like I said a couple of weeks ago, I really wish Edwards had stayed in the race so that a vote for another candidate was for someone and not against Hillary.
Oh, and I've been working a lot.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Parody or Satire? Doesn't Matter. Point Made.
I'm not posting this video because I endorse Obama. It's Monday night before the DC primary and I still haven't made up my mind.
I posted it so that this more important political video would make sense.
Seriously, this guy cannot become president.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
So Lucky...
Sorry for the delay in posting this amazing video, but it was my 10 year anniversary with the boy (I know, insane... we were so young but I still totally adore him... that's all I'm saying about that) and work was way busy so no time for posting.
But now, dearest audience, watch this gem of stop-motion animation, finally available for your viewing pleasure.
That right there is why Emily and Erika are my two favorite people in the world. Seriously, who would ask for any other friends? Best friends in the whole world.
Friday, February 01, 2008
And I thought I didn't have enough to do...
I was checking out entry pages into my blog on my statcounter and found this totally random thread talking about my new tattoo... WTF?
I can't believe they dissed my shoes?! What's wrong with them? So what if they are pointy and white and it's after Labor Day. I like 'em!
Oh and make sure you read the last page of the chain... can't tell if they are mocking me or not. Regardless, hilarious!
Today's Tunes
I've made a new playlist on my iPod that's early (and mid) rock n roll, r&b, and motown... man did it make me happy walking to the metro.
"I Can't Help Myself" The Four Tops
"Remember (Walking in the Sand)" The Shangri-Las
"Chained and Bound" Otis Redding
"Nowhere Man" The Beatles
"Careless Love" Fats Domino
"Stuck on You" Elvis Presley
"No Particular Place to Go" Chuck Berry
"The Ballad of Billy Jo" Jerry Lee Lewis
Wow, Ralph Nader...
... and I agree for once.* Well, at least on his critiques of the the Dems running. Too bad Edwards is now out, which is a crying shame. Only 5 states have had primaries!!! Sure he didn't win any, but there are another 45 states (and sad little D.C.) out there who will never get the option either way. Diversity in elections is good.
But does that mean Nader running is?
*To clarify, I do agree with most of his policies and his tireless work in consumer advocacy... but there's just something 'bout this guy that rubs me the wrong way. It's not necessarily logical, just a visceral feeling. I just don't think I like him. But does that even matter when voting for President?
I normally can't stand Sarah Silverman...
... but this is really funny. It makes me heart Matt Damon even more.