Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bad Kitty!

I've been a very bad blogger lately. I haven't posted in what feels like forever, even though I have several drafts of utmost social meaning rolling around in my head. I've just been so busy being important, I haven't had time for the little folks. I know I should be better, but, well, I'm too important for such things.

Actually, I have been really busy. I start my new job in about a week and I've been working late into the evenings and most weekends to finish up here at the Smithsonian. In addition, since I'm working out at Archives II, my commute from Arlington is about an 1 1/2 each way. My husband and I both agreed that I would not be a very fun person to live with if I did that everyday. Actually, I'm pretty sure I would be a terror. So, we've spent the last three weeks looking at places in Mt. Pleasant, Columbia Heights and Capitol Hill. We liked Capitol Hill/Eastern Market the best, but the space and price just wasn't what we were looking for. I don't want to spend all of my new money on a place to live. It would be nice to horde cash for a while, you know? Anyhow, we finally found a great little place in Columbia Heights, about three blocks from the Metro. It's a tad smaller than what we have now, but it's in a cute Victorian Rowhouse, has off-street parking (yes it's true, it does exist in the District), and will mean a 30 minute commute for me. Plus, even though Columbia Heights is going through the process of gentrification, it hasn't lost the diversity and community that makes it more appealing that yuppie-land Dupont or Cleveland Park.

I am sad that we are leaving our current neighborhood. We'll have to find new breakfast places, new pizza places, new takeout. But part of the fun of moving is discovering those things. We don't move until the end of April, though, so I will have to deal with the long commute until then. So, my posts will probably be few and far between as I will be sleeping most of my free time in order to get up at the crack-ass of dawn.


At least there is an end in sight. Along with a date with UHAUL. Whoopee!