I know I've only lived in D.C. for two years, so it's not really "my town" to complain about, but I am so sick of tourists. The winter here is so beautiful, the Metro escalators are open, and the museums are practically empty. But then, cherry blossom season and all hell breaks loose--everyone's walking around with FBI hats that they bought from a bodaga off of the Mall and has gift shop sacks from the International Spy Museum, aka CIA propaganda center. I know, I know, I should want people to come to museums, I am getting my masters in Museum Studies and work for the Smithsonian. But I'll let you in on a little secret: more museum professionals than you realize just want to work at a museum to be around the stuff and do what they like to do, not put up with obnoxious, ill-educated hicks who don't know to stand on the right of the escalator and walk on the left, goddammit.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Make It Stop
Okay, so, it's been a week since I decided I was going to become a cool person and blog. And then life happened and I had no time! I was hired to write an exhibit for the Woodrow Wilson House in Washington D.C. on Wilson's three really interesting daughters and it finally opened this Tuesday the 19th. The Woodrow Wilson House is a small historic presidential home that has limited exhibit and collections staff. By limited, I mean one person and then me, the paid intern, and the historic housekeeper. So we had to write everything, clean everything, build mounts for everything, and make and hang every label. So we're doing this all day Monday before the exhibit opens officially and think we may be able to make an early night of it...Well, no, in fact, the label gods were against us and eating labels and even full sentences from the script. I'm not kidding, things were just disappearing and we had to reprint and remount. We were at the museum until 9 Monday night and then back again the next morning scrambling to get everything done. It was awful. So, as the first group was coming in to see the exhibit, we were running out the side door. Ah, life in a small museum. There's never a dull day. I love my job!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
The Time Monster
So, no matter how hard I try to go to bed early, I always end up staying up until 11 or 12 at night... and yet I alway miss seeing my boyfriend Jon Stewart and I rarely get anything productive done. Is there some sort of time monster following me around, eating all my hours away, killing me slowly through exhaustion?
Monday, April 11, 2005
Um, so I am in graduate school at a large private university in DC, in case you didn't know. Essentially my status as a grad student defines me until May. Lately, I've been spending a lot of time on campus, which I dread for 3 reasons:
1) If I'm on campus is means I'm either studying, in class, or getting books out from the library to take home and study. Obvious complaint, I think.
2) I went to public school my entire life until now-when did all of these private school kids start making a million dollars at their part-time jobs? Where are they working that they can earn enough dough to start buying Gucci label shoes, pants, underwear, sunglasses, and butt plugs? I mean really, I want that job too! Oh, what's that, their parents gave them all of their money... Hmmm... well, where was my check? What's that Mom? My back payment check is in the mail? Sweet!
3) I am tired, no wait, disgusted with seeing young, tan girls wearing short miniskirts and tube tops. And no, this isn't because I'm a so-called "feminist" but because I, for one, am sick of seeing people NOT DRESS THEIR BODY SIZE! Number one rule of good fashion, don't show you're wobbly bits to anyone who doesn't know you or doesn't specifically ask to see them. Just because it's trendy doesn't mean you should wear it. Furthermore, just because it's trendy definitely doesn't mean it's going to look good on you, beer belly sorostitute! I know, I know, it's seems harsh that a plus size girl such as myself wouldn't rally behind these young women and their melanoma ravaged bellies, yelling "embrace your sexuality, love your body for what it is!" But I'm sorry, sometimes aesthetics just win out!