Thursday, March 06, 2008

Silence is Golden

While I've been noticeably absent the past couple of weeks after rejuvenating this little forum, all has not been quiet on the eastern front.  I've been very busy at work finalizing the website and various other odds and ends--6 weeks until the show opens!  More importantly, I've been busy researching and writing a traveling version of the Harry Potter show I curated last summer.  It's a huge amount of work for our compressed timeline--we want to finish by the 1st week of June as Ms. Rowling herself might be visiting :) --but I'm not complaining.  It's nice to turn that part of my brain on again after nearly three years out of school.  The last show was researched in a day and written in another, so it wasn't exactly a well-thought-out piece with themes and messages and all that fancy schmancy smart stuff.  Now I really get a chance to do an actual analysis of Harry Potter and the history of magic within science.  I also get a chance to move forward in my career and use this as a jumping point into a Ph.D. program... or confirm that I'm happy just where I am and don't want the hassle of thinking and writing and reading ALL THE TIME. 

Who am I kidding?  We all know I'll be back at school bitchin' and moanin' in no time.