Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Rest In Peace, Piggle Wiggles

My beloved guinea pig Penelope passed away this weekend. She was 6 years old, which is pretty old for a guinea pig, but we still wish we'd had more time...

Penny came into our lives as one of my anxiety purchases and I have to say that she was the best item I've gotten... I originally thought she would be like having a furry lump that sqeaked, but she turned out to be the smartest, funniest, sweetest, and most rambunctious little thing I've ever been lucky enough to know. When she wasn't licking my fingers, standing on her hind legs to explore, or running around the house like a crazy person, she was trying to escape to the kitchen to get food from the giant box she had figured out stored lettuce. One smart (and fat) cookie.

She will be missed. Greatly.